COVER UP: Debbie Wasserman-Schultz Just Got The Worst News Ever In House IT Investigation

We have been reporting on Debbie Wasserman and her IT staffer, Imran Awan and his colleagues, for some time now. It’s a HUGE scandal and it’s been remarkable how little the main stream media has reported on it.

It’s finally getting some traction, however. Several House Republicans, all members of the Freedom Caucus, just held a meeting to interview witnesses about the ongoing investigation. Check this out:

Luke Rosiak of the Daily Caller, told them:  “… misinformation, in both directions, has flourished as a result of an extraordinary level of silence from official channels surrounding the falsified billing and cybersecurity breaches on Capitol Hill. There are reasons to suspect that this secrecy is not because vigorous action is being taken behind the scenes.”

Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton, told them: We allowed this group to run amuck in the House–take all this data and move it around–Lack of interest from both House leadership and executive branch.”

This group is Pakistani Imran Awan and his family members who, among other things, made unauthorized access to a congressional server 5,400 times, as reported by the Washington Post. But you see how they poo-poo the whole thing and Wasserman-Schultz’ potential complicity.

Pennsylvania Representative Perry (R) said this: “My concern is the wife goes, she’s got fourteen grand in cash. She’s allowed to leave the country…And I’m just concerned that, you know, we have a Justice Department ,FBI–we have certain laws.”  “…I mean you look at the Mueller investigation. Picking Manafort’s lock in the middle of the night drawing guns on him as wife for some white-collar infraction three or four years ago. I mean that’s like scorching the earth.”

If you’re disgusted by the cover up and glad someone is finally paying attention, please Share!