NAACP issues official statewide travel warning for ‘racist’ Missouri

Travel advisories don’t only exist when traveling outside the country.

Recently the NAACP has issued a warning for anyone wishing to travel to the state of Missouri. History shows that Missouri has always had a racial struggle but that struggle has officially reached a boiling point. Blacks are believed to be the subject of police harassment and job discrimination. Race relations have been rapidly declining despite having the first black president which was said to be a huge step towards equality. In reality though equality isn’t what they have in mind.

Via Fox News:

Missouri NAACP President Rod Chapel said national delegates voted last week to adopt the advisory and that the national board will consider ratification in October.

“Individuals traveling in the state are advised to travel with extreme CAUTION,” the advisory warns. “Race, gender and color based crimes have a long history in Missouri.”

The advisory, which started circulating in June, cites a new state law signed by Republican Gov. Eric Greitens that critics say will make it more difficult to sue for housing or employment discrimination.

Greitens’ office declined to comment on the travel advisory to Fox News on Thursday, but did reiterate the governor’s statement on the new law, called SB 43.

“I’ve met with passionate advocates on both sides of SB 43. I respect all of them. I’ve listened to every side,” the statement said. “I believe we need to bring Missouri’s standards in line with 38 other states and the federal government.”

Equality will never occur if African Americans continue to hold a grudge from hundreds of years ago. Housing and Jobs should be given to the most qualified candidate regardless of race or gender. Period.