Bullying is an avoidable epidemic that often results in a fatal outcome.
Numerous children and teens experience brutal bullying on a daily basis and more often than not the victim decides suicide will give them the relief they are looking for. This was the case for one young boy who expressed to his mother that he was contemplating suicide in order to escape the bullying. In attempt to help her son Tammy Mick Called upon a local Motorcycle shop and the results were everything and more to her and her son.
A group of more than 50 bikers in northeastern Indiana stepped in to help when they found out a local sixth grade student was having trouble with bullying.
Tammy Mick is the mother of Dekalb Middle School Student Phil Mick. She was very concerned about her son’s issues with bullying. She says it was so bad he told her he contemplated suicide. She spoke with Brent Warfield of KDZ Motorcycle Sales & Service about it, and Warfield immediately stepped in to help.
Brent Warfield:
Today’s escort ride for Phil. The motorcycle community came out to show our support for Phil and all kids that get bullied. Phil got his 1st ride on a motorcycle to school. We had a amazing turn out. The Motorcycle Community has come together to help stand up against bullying and show our support for those that are getting bullied. We would like to see programs with speakers go to schools and discuss bullying. As well as teaching parent’s to keep an eye on there children and look for signs they are being bullied or are doing the bullying. One good way is to monitor there social media. We are not placing blame! Just looking for solutions. Too many teenager’s are taking there own lives do to bullying of some sort. This is not acceptable and there lives mean so much! So please do your part to help. Like to thank everyone who came out today and all that supported this great cause. God Bless!