WARNING AMERICANS!: Violent domestic terrorist Bill Ayers is officially linked to Antifa through his group “Refuse Fascism”.
In case you didn’t know Ayers is infamous for bombing the Pentagon.
According to Gateway Pundit:
“Refuse Fascism“, a fascist organization whose goal is to inhibit the speech of conservatives, is partly funded by (none other than) George Soros himself.
It has organizers like Bill Ayers and is targeting youth across the country with the intention of indoctrinating and brainwashing individuals who nascent politically.
We know Ayers was associated with Barrack Obama and is a big supporter of various socialists and communists as well as violent terrorists.
Today, it has come out that Ayers is partnering with Antifa in the spread of militant violence against pro-America demonstrators. Leftists have historically turned Ayers into a folklore figure who they cherish and respect despite his violent past.
Bill Ayers was also directly linked to today’s #BerkeleyProtests:
Who made the black signs at the #BerkeleyProtest? One "initiator" of the group Refuse Fascism was DOMESTIC TERRORIST Bill Ayers! #NeverLearn pic.twitter.com/h3mdzotK4m
— Rep. Steven Smith 🇺🇸 (@RepStevenSmith) April 27, 2017
Ayers’ name is even on a list of “initiators”: