The left and the mainstream media which is firmly under the control of radical Marxists, are quick to label anyone who flies or does not hate the Confederate battle flag as an ‘unalloyed racist’.
Instead of trying to explain to their audiences that there is a lot of proud history that Southerners, of all races, attach to the flag, they play their usual game of divide and conquer, condemning everyone from the South as an ignorant piece of trash. Too bad for them and their false narrative there are women like Karen out there who single handedly bring this whole BS story crashing down around them …
Conservative Tribune Reports: Since at least the 2015 massacre at a black church in South Carolina, an intense debate has been raging within the United States over the place of the Confederate flag, and various Confederate monuments, and whether these objects are symbols of racism or heritage.

For Karen Cooper, an African-American, the Confederate flag represents freedom from the government. In fact, in an interview for the documentary “Battle Flag” back in 2016, Cooper had just seven words to describe her feelings about those who live in the South and fly the flag: “I felt more welcomed in the South.”
Cooper, a former member of the Nation of Islam from New York state, told the interviewer that in the North, “they claim they like black people,” but that everything is more segregated. When she moved to the South, Cooper said, she found everyone much friendlier.
“I came down here, and we were more together,” she stated. “People waved to me that I’d never known!”
So much for the liberal narrative that everyone in the South is a wild racist and that only old white men fly the Confederate flag.
Cooper was interviewed by the documentary makers as a member of the Virginia Flaggers, which describes itself as “citizens of the Commonwealth who stand AGAINST those who would desecrate our Confederate Monuments and memorials, and FOR our Confederate Veterans.”
She found the flag group through her activism in tea party groups, according to the New York Daily News.
Cooper also explained that she supported flying the Confederate flag because to her it represented resistance to a bloated federal government, and a history that should not be forgotten.
“I feel I’m a slave now because the federal government does control me. I can’t smoke what I want to smoke. I can’t drink what I want to drink. If I want to put something into my body, it’s my body, not theirs,” she explained. “That’s tyranny!” READ MORE @ CONSERVATIVE TRIBUNE
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