Call Fandango and demand the firing of Peter S. Hall, the Senior Editor for and Fandango (866) 857-5191 for this beyond disgusting tweet. The only way to stop this nonsense is if consequences are had. Period.
You can also go to and lodge a complaint.
Emails for Fandango:
I am beyond belief at how sick and vile the left has become. They have absolutely no character or morals. Did Peter S. Hall’s parents teach him any character at all? He is an embarrassment to them as well.
Hall has since deleted his tweet and made an attempt at an apology, but the damage is already done. This new method the liberals use of tossing vile media and then quickly apologizing is horrific.
Hall was responding to a TMZ report that “Barron was in front of the TV watching a show when the news came on and he saw the bloody, beheaded image.”
TMZ said: “We’re told he panicked and screamed, ‘Mommy, Mommy!’”
Hall has apologized: “You’re right. It’s unfair to single a kid out. I apologize and I deleted it.”
Feel free to click on this tweet, go to Twitter, and leave Peter S. Hall a reply!
You’re right. It’s unfair to single a kid out. I apologize and I deleted it.
— Peter S. Hall (@PeterSHall) May 31, 2017
But what would possess anyone who has a very young son himself to publish that horrible tweet in the first place? The guy is unhinged!
The 1st Amendment guarantees that the government cannot limit our speech, even for the most vile. It was not designed for puppy dogs and daffodils, it was designed for just such items as this.
But the freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences. Kathy Griffin was fired today from CNN, MGM, and had her show taken away. Colin Kaepernick is without a team to quarterback, and may never play football again.
Peter S. Hall needs to lose his job at Fandango. He has put a black mark on Fandango. He has embarrassed his employer. He has done damage to the brand.
Hall was not the only idiots to attack an eleven year old boy via social media.
Rosie O’Donnell responded to the TMZ report by using Barron’s reported reaction to go after his father:
O’Donnell was referring to the two men killed in Portland by a far-left Bernie Sanders and Jill Stein supporter. There is no way one can make sense of her claim that the man’s hatred was “promoted by his (Barron’s) father.” But that’s not the point. The point is to tie Donald Trump to any and every possible expression of hate, and to then hope that many of those who see her post don’t learn the truth.
Ken Jennings, who became famous as a Jeopardy contestant and has apparently used that fame to opportunistically promote his unhinged views, defended Griffin yesterday and went full sarcasm today, implying that an 11-year-old should be able to handle what he allegedly saw.
Liberalism is surely proving to be a mental disorder.
The Mayo Clinic diagnosis seems to speak to the glitter-loving liberals directly:
“In order to make yourself feel better, you may react with rage or contempt and efforts to belittle the other person to make yourself appear better.”
Problem being; only you believe these actions make you look better.
Peter S. Hall, You’re Fired! Fandango, it would be wise.