Liberal idiot Shia LeBeouf was just arrested for assaulting a Trump supporter, and it was all caught on a live stream.
The video is extremely bizarre, as what appears to be a bunch of robotic sheep chanting ‘he will not divide us’ proceed to freak us the hell out. Shia is then cuffed and placed into a police car.
After being hauled off to jail for a few hours he returns with his mommy and his girlfriend to continue the shenanigans.
This dude has got to be on drugs…
VIA| Shia LeBeouf was back protesting Donald Trump on Thursday – after being taken away in handcuffs from his livestream demonstration against the president.
The actor walked hand-in-hand with his mother, Shayne Saide, from his hotel to the outdoor camera in Queens, New York, where he is carrying out his ‘He will not divide us’ protest.
But he declined to speak to, instead launching into a series of f-words.
He had been arrested by police in New York at 3.45am on Thursday morning.
The 30-year-old allegedly grabbed a fellow protester outside the Museum of the Moving Image in Queens, and now faces a misdemeanor assault charge.
Police say LaBeouf pulled the scarf of an unidentified 25-year-old man this morning, scratching his face in the process.
Police say he also pushed the man, who refused medical attention.
According to local reports, the protester had said something to the camera LaBeouf did not agree with.