Modeling Industry Tells Sadie Robertson She Needs to Lose 10 Pounds & Wear Make-up—Her Response Is Pure GOLD

When it comes to role models for young girls today, I can’t think of a better young woman than Sadie Robertson.

Following in the footsteps of powerful female leaders like Christine Caine and Lysa TerKeurst, Sadie is on fire for Jesus, and slowly growing a crusade of her own.

Her Instagram is full of daily encouragements and devotionals for her 2.9 million followers, and her “Live Original” speaking tour is at the top of even MY to-do list.

One of the best things about Sadie isn’t just that she preaches Truth on a platform that’s plastered with half-dressed girls and tricks you into playing the comparison game. It’s that she’s REAL. She talks to her followers—young girls and women—about her life, and REAL things that we all experience.

This week’s post was no different. Sadie took to Instagram to talk about some of the horrible things she’s been told as a model.

Sadie Robertson

“A few months ago I showed up for a photoshoot that I had thought was going to be a natural no makeup photoshoot,” Sadie writes. “The director of the shoot took a quick look at me and said, ‘Nope this girl does not have the face to pull off a no makeup shoot.’”

The crew then proceeded to spend two hours making her appear as though she wasn’t wearing any makeup.

“Let’s be real I did NOT wake up like that.”

Sadie says she never thought of herself as a model, nor did she intend to get into the industry, but the little time she’s spent there has opened her eyes to “shocking things.”

She’s had her stomach “fat” pinched to reiterate which part of her body she needed to change, and been told that in order to be an “actual model,” she should lose 10 pounds.

“All the while I just smile, laugh, eat and dance my way through the shoots.”

Sadie Robertson

Sadie admits that comments like the ones she’s been told would have hurt her at one point in her life. During a time when she found joy and fulfillment in things like her appearance, pictures and Instagram comments.

But today they don’t bother her one bit, because she knows the Truth:

“My identity lies within the hands of my God who I believe created me to be fearfully and wonderfully made.”

She believes everyone has the face to pull off a no-makeup shoot, “because that is YOUR FACE.”

To drive her point home, Sadie posted a picture from an impromptu sunrise photoshoot with one of her friends. She said they wanted to remind themselves, and every person seeing this, of what real beauty looks like. So they did the whole thing without makeup.

Sadie Robertson

“The beauty surrounded us, and was flowing from within into our conversations.”

Sadie closes with this final encouragement:

“Pursue the essence of beauty within you today, and ask yourself where your identity lies.”

Natural beauty is the best beauty, because like Sadie, it’s REAL, and it’s YOU.

May we all be inspired to be a little more real today because of it.