Harvard University made a huge mistake when they offered Chelsea Manning a fellowship position.
Chelsea Manning is a convicted American traitor who leaked the largest amount of classified military information in US history. President Obama decided to forgive Manning and release her from the 35 year sentence because Manning was originally a man who under went a sex change while in prison and according to Obama this caused Manning to suffer enough and commuted her sentence.
Now Manning has received an offer of employment from the most prestigious university in America, Harvard.
Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government has named Manning a visiting fellow.
From Free Beacon:
Harvard announced Manning this week as its “first transgender Fellow” for the 2017-18 academic year and described her as a “Washington D.C.-based network security expert and former U.S. Army intelligence analyst.” It also referred to her as a whistleblower.
This controversial move has other Harvard fellows resigning but it isn’t for the reason liberals would have you believe. Manning’s transgender lifestyle has nothing to do with the outrage from American citizens and everything to do with the obvious reality that this person cannot be trusted.
Former Obama CIA Director Mike Morrell, who is a Senior Fellow at the Kennedy School, resigned in protest.
“I am writing to inform you that I am resigning, effective immediately, as a non-resident Senior Fellow at the Belfer Center,” he wrote in a letter to Dean Douglas Elmendorf. “I do so with sadness because I have enjoyed immensely my time at Belfer.”
“Unfortunately, I cannot be part of an organization—The Kennedy School—that honors a convicted felon and leaker of classified information,” Morell wrote, going on to write she was found guilty of “17 serious crimes, including six counts of espionage” with her leaks to WikiLeaks.
Democrats always assume that republicans are anti everything that doesn’t display a conservative way of life. Wrong. As long as your way of life doesn’t effect mine then feel free to live however you like.