One of the things I never understood about actors on both sides of the aisle is this need to constantly tell us what they think politically.
Truth be told I hate it when I hear something from any actor of any political affiliation what they think of an elected official.
Say I have been watching an actor since I was young. I become a fan of that actor. All of a sudden, he starts saying something about a politician that I happen to agree with, and I end up feeling like I have wasted my time.
Little Robert De Niro is embarrassing himself yet again.
Bob is no stranger to making a fool of himself while trying to ‘dunk’ on President Trump.
Take for instance this clip of the man who plays dress up and pretend for a living, (don’t get me wrong, it’s good work if you can get it, it sure pays well) cursing Trump out to a crowd of fellow elitist make believers.
Warning, the old man has a potty mouth:
Well, little Bobby is back at it again following the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg. De Niro told Yahoo Entertainment that Justice Ginsburg was a patriot and a trailblazer.
Yahoo reported:
‘Like so many Americans, Robert De Niro is grieving the loss of trailblazing Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who died Friday at the age of 87.
“She was a great American, period,” the Raging Bull and Goodfellas screen great, 77, told Yahoo Entertainment during a recent exclusive interview (watch above). “It only adds to the problem, and the situation now that she has passed, unfortunately. People like her are few and far between.”
Unfortunately it has been impossible to disassociate the death of American icon, embraced as “The Notorious RBG,” with a now-vacant seat on the Supreme Court that will be bitterly contested by partisan representatives of a deeply divided country.
After paying respects to Ginsburg, then, De Niro quickly pivoted to his prime target of ire the past four years: President Donald Trump.’