NOBODY SAW The Secret Meeting Trump Had With Mattis…This Changes EVERYTHING

President Trump and his administration are on a roll, which of course means the media is silent.

Secretary of defense James Mattis called for the top members of this administration to come down to the pentagon where he delivered some BIG news.

Watch Here:

This meeting Left President Trump in high spirits and when asked what his military movement choice for Afghanistan would be, well let’s just say the answer is one we’ve been waiting to hear!

Via Liberty Writers:

For over 2-hours, Trump was joined by Vice President Mike Pence, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, Defense Secretary James Mattis, and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs General Joseph Dunford in a secured room referred to as “The Tank.”

The meeting, which was closed to the Press, reportedly discussed “Global issues and opportunities”, presumably referring to the likes of North Korea, the Middle East, China, Russia, Venezuela, Cuba, South Africa and many others. Still, being at the Pentagon means it also carried military implications.

When the media asked Trump after the meeting if he was planning on authorizing MORE troops for Afghanistan, the President responded:

“We’ll see…We’re doing very well against ISIS. ISIS is falling fast. Very fast”

Boom! Trump is doing what Obama couldn’t do. The Obama administration is now considered to be a contributing factor for the growth and spread of radical Islam so naturally the Trump administration will be responsible for bringing them down.