Trey Gowdy: Congress WILL Subpoena Susan Rice to Testify

Susan Rice refused an invitation earlier this week, to testify before Congress against corrupt Trump officials.

Her excuse for declining the invitation was that the letter sent to her to testify wasn’t a “bipartisan letter.”

But this raises major questions.

Exactly why is she rejecting the invitation if she has nothing to hide?

From Free Beacon:

Rice’s lawyer, Kathryn Ruemmler, sent a letter Wednesday on behalf of her client to the chairman and ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime and Terrorism–Lindsey Graham (R., S.C.) and Sheldon Whitehouse (D., R.I.), respectively–explaining why Rice was declining an invitation to testify.

“Senator Whitehouse has informed us by letter that he did not agree to Chairman Graham’s invitation to Ambassador Rice, a significant departure from the bipartisan invitations extended to other witnesses. Under these circumstances, Ambassador Rice respectfully declines Senator Graham’s invitation to testify,” Ruemmler wrote.

Even Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein called her out, stating her claims of only bipartisan letters being ‘official’ is complete BOGUS.

Now, Rep. Trey Gowdy (R., S.C.) told Bill Hemmer is claiming that Congress is looking to subpoena Rice to testify about the unmasking.

From Free Beacon:

“There are things called subpoenas. You shouldn’t have to use it with a former national security adviser, but if you do, you do,” Gowdy said.

He later added that Rice is an important witness to the investigation.

“Members of Congress don’t pick the witnesses. Lawyers don’t pick witnesses. The facts pick the witnesses,” Gowdy said. “And whether Ambassador Rice likes it or not, she’s a really important fact witness.”

So one has to ask, when there are no real reasonable excuses, why is she declining?