MURDOCK: Kacklin’ Kamala and Tampon Tim Will Make You Miss Sleepy Joe

(Deroy Murdock, Headline USA) You can fool some of the people, for about two weeks.

Since Kacklin’ Kamala Harris pried the Anti-Democratic Party’s nomination from Sleepy Joe Biden in a bloodless coup d’etat on July 21, the vice president slithered between two rocks, escaped her far-left skin, and emerged as Kamala The Neo-moderate.

The fracking-ban supporter? Gone! The Green New Deal’s co-sponsor? Vanished! The enemy of private health insurance? Disappeared!

The obedient regime media conspired in this makeover and let Harris answer zero questions for 18 days after she slid a banana peel beneath Biden’s shoe.

Just as the Margaret Kamala Thatcher disguise seemed plausible, Harris shattered that illusion on Tuesday. The Border Czarina Who Never Was, hung a sharp left when she unveiled her running mate, Gov. Tim Walz, D-Minn.

The 60-year-old former congressman—who could moonlight as Biden’s frumpy 75-year-old brother—is America’s hardest-Left V.P. wannabe, ever. By picking Walz, the real Kamala returned—big league.

Walz’s fiscal philosophy is Everything for All.

Walz signed a May 2023 biennial budget that squeezes $9.7 billion from Minnesotans, including tax hikes on incomes, sales, franchises, vehicles, and even cannabis. Walz also boosted two-year outlays by a whopping 39.3%.

But Walz is more than just an old-fashioned tax-and-spend liberal.

“He [Trump] talks about this wall,” Walz told CNN last month. “I always say, let me know how high it is. If it’s 25 feet, then I will invest in a 30-foot-ladder factory.” Walz also favors sanctuary cities.

Walz’s Office of New Americans pampers illegal aliens who savor his smorgasbord of no-cost treats. These include free healthcare, free college tuition, and drivers licenses—all the better to turn these foreign invaders into illegal voters.

  • Regarding castration, mastectomies, and other sexual mutilation of children, Walz said in March 2023: “Protecting and supporting access to gender-affirming healthcare is essential to being a welcoming and supportive state to the community.”

Ten-year-old boys who want to slice themselves into girls, and vice versa, may do so without parental consent. Moms and dads who object can lose custody of such children.

Tampon Tim ordered menstrual products into schoolboys’ bathrooms, from grades four through 12.

Walz’s faux-libertarianism T-boned into his East German governing style during COVID-19. Atop lengthy lockdowns and mask mandates, Walz’s so-called snitch line helped Minnesotans rat on those who violated pandemic decrees.

  • “We saw large, peaceful protests,” Walz said on June 1, 2020, as the George Floyd riots incinerated Minneapolis. Dozens of buildings burned to the ground (including a police precinct) among 150 set ablaze and some 1,500 damaged. Losses totaled $500 million.

According to an October 2020 Minnesota Senate report, “Governor Tim Walz and elected local leaders identified with the causes promoted by the demonstrators, causing them to lose sight of their responsibility to protect the public from criminal acts committed during the riots.”

Walz himself called the government response an “abject failure.”

Meanwhile, Walz’s wife found this carnage refreshing.

“I could smell the burning tires,” Gwen Walz said at the time. America’s potential Second Lady continued: “That was a very real thing, and I kept the windows open as long as I could because I felt like that was such a touchstone of what was happening.”

Walz uttered his most disturbing comment not in college but on July 29. He told the White Dudes for Harris: “Don’t ever shy away from our progressive values. One person’s socialism is another person’s neighborliness.”

This chilling statement echoes Kamala’s 2020 campaign video that trivializes equality before the law and embraces “equity,” so “we all end up at the same place.”

Where do government leaders want their people “at the same place?” For starters: Venezuela, Cuba, and North Korea.

Kacklin’ Kamala and Tampon Tim make Sleepy Joe look like Daddy Bush. The 2024 Democrat ticket promises the menace of American Marxism.

Deroy Murdock is a Manhattan-based Fox News contributor.
