Justice Dept to offer Hillary a PLEA bargain — there’s just ONE catch

Justice Dept to offer Hillary a PLEA bargain — there’s just ONE catch

Liberals tried their hardest to distract America from the crimes Hillary Clinton committed, but it looks like they lost that too.

America chose not to vote for Hillary Clinton after leaked emails revealed her as a threat to national security. Democrats work long hours trying to play it off as a simple mistake even though Clinton was well aware of how to handle classified information.

Naturally, their next defense was to attack the President in a lame attempt for impeachment by falsifying reports of Russian collusion in the hopes that this tactic would distract the public from the real issue.

Hillary Clinton knowingly endangered the safety of America by flouting her top security clearance in thousands of emails where she disclosed information on an open email server that she should have never had in the first place. Although two investigations were opened by the FBI in regards to this crime nothing came from either one. Now, it’s time for a third investigation to be conducted by the DOJ and things aren’t looking good for Clinton this time around.

Via Allen B West:

According to reports, the Justice Department reopened the investigation into Clinton’s homebrewed email server. Suddenly, it appears Clinton may not be in the clear after all.

From the Daily Wire:

“The Justice Department has reopened the investigation of Hillary Clinton’s mishandling of classified material on her private email system while she was secretary of state, and is considering offering her a plea bargain if she will agree to plead guilty to charges of breaking the law, according to a Clinton attorney,”

The discussion of a plea bargain took place late last month and was offered by a high-ranking Justice Department official to the Clinton lawyer.

During the exploratory talks with the prosecutor, the Clinton attorney was told that despite former FBI Director James Comey’s decision last July not to prosecute Hillary, the Justice Department has reexamined the email case and believes there are ample grounds for prosecuting Hillary on a number of counts.

As part of the plea, Clinton would be forced to admit guilt:

Under the Justice Department’s plea offer, Hillary would be required to sign a document admitting that she committed a prosecutable crime. In return, the DOJ would agree not to bring charges against Hillary in connection with the email probe.

Also as part of the agreement, the Justice Department would not proceed with an investigation of Hillary’s pay to play deals with foreign governments and businessmen who contributed to the Clinton Foundation or who paid Bill Clinton exorbitant speaking fees.

Well, it’s little more than a slap on the hand but at least it requires an admission of guilt.