Yet Another State Is Setting Up Internment Camps For The Unvaxxed..

The Washington State law allows local health officers to utilize law enforcement to involuntarily detain a person or group of persons (families) for isolation and quarantine following refusal to voluntarily comply with requests for medical examination, testing, treatment, counseling, vaccination.

If this law will be amended, it will also authorize the involuntary detainment of residents as young as 5 years old in Covid-19 “internment camps” for failing to comply with the state’s experimental vaccine mandate.

The Gateway Pundit further reveals that WAC 246-100-040, a proposed revision that would allow local health officers “at his or her sole discretion” to “issue an emergency detention order causing a person or group of persons to be immediately detained for purposes of isolation or quarantine.”

It will also allow health officers to deploy law enforcement officials to assist with the arrest of uncompliant Washington residents.

According to W 246-100-040:

“a local health officer may invoke the powers of police officers, sheriffs, constables, and all other officers and employees of any political subdivisions within the jurisdiction of the health department to enforce immediately orders given to effectuate the purposes of this section in accordance with the provisions of RCW 43.20.050(4) and 70.05.120.”

Now, American citizens who fail to voluntarily comply with Covid gene therapy shots “for a period not to exceed ten days.” The amended law legalizes isolation and detainment under the “emergency detention order.” However, a judge may extend the forced quarantine “for a period not to exceed thirty days” if the segregated individual or family persists to refuse vaccination.

Ginny Streeter from the Washington State Department of Health told The Post Millennial:

“People who utilize the state Isolation and Quarantine facility would be those who do not necessarily reside in a specific county” including travelers as well as “people on vessels that have outbreaks on their ships who berth on the Washington Coast” and “international and interstate travelers who test positive at SeaTac airport may also stay at this facility”

WAC 246-100-040 was certified on October 25, 2019, months prior to the coronavirus outbreak in the United States. The first confirmed case of Covid in the US was diagnosed in Seattle on January 20, 2020

The Washington State Board of Health will hold a virtual public meeting on January 12 to discuss the application of W 246-100-040

Here is more information on the public meeting on January 12. Link to final agenda, click HERE.

To access the meeting online and to register:

Scott Miller, a Washington-based Physician Assistant who runs a private pediatric clinic, lost his medical license in October for providing over tw0 thousand critically-ill Covid patients with Ivermectin, vitamins, and other effective treatments.

Miller will provide testimony during the WSBH 8-hour Zoom meeting on Wednesday to warn against mandating the experimental shot for children and present data showing acute vaccine-related injuries and fatalities.

Still struggling with the ramifications of having his medical license revoked for saving lives, Miller wonders how many innocent families are going to have to flee the state to find basic freedom that was once ubiquitous in the states if this so-called emergency legislation is passed.

Read more of this report from the original source: TheGatewayPundit

Sources: TheGatewayPundit, The Post Millennial