WOW! What Liberal Nut Cher Just Said About George Floyd Is The Craziest Thing Yet!

Famous pop icon drew criticism and mockery online after a tweet about George Floyd and the Derek Chauvin murder trial Friday evening. In Cher tweet, she said ‘’ that “maybe” if she had been present during the arrest of George Floyd the day he died that she “could’ve helped.”

The legendary singer cher tweeted: “Was talking With Mom & She Said ‘I Watched Trial Of Policeman Who Killed George Floyd,& Cried,’’ “I Said ‘Mom,I Know This Is Gonna Sound CRAZY,But.. I Kept Thinking …..Maybe If I’d Been There,…I Could’ve Helped.’’

The 74-year-old singer took heat from many sides, accusing her of being a “white savior” and making the death of Floyd all about her. Netizens had accused Cher of being tone deaf or blinded by white and celebrity privilege Friday.

George Floyd was the 46-year-old Black man whose violent death at the hands of Minneapolis police officers in May 2020 ignited a global movement for racial equality and against police brutality.

Cher’s tweet after the trial of former police officer Derek Chauvin unfolds and grabs the nation’s attention. Her tweet had been quoted more than 8,000 times and earned nearly 2,700 retweets as of Saturday afternoon.

Cher later on responded with an apology.

“I Just got off phone With Friend Karen,” she wrote. “Told her what Happened,& Realized,You Can P–s Ppl Off,& Hurt Them By Not Knowing Everything That’s”NOT Appropriate”To Say.I know Ppl Apologize When They’re In a Jam,BUTTO GOD,IM TRULY SORRY If I Upset AnyOne In Blk Community.I Know My (heart).”

Cher was trending on Twitter Saturday morning but not everyone was a hater.

A Twitter user named Pearlsilla advised everyone to chill out, “Cher is constantly helping all communities. More than most. So if a kind old lady wants to wish she was there to help. I don’t see the damn harm. Calm down.”
