Trump ‘Seriously Considering’ His First Official Presidential Pardon, Libs are Furious!

President Trump is making huge waves in America’s political system and it’s only the beginning as he prepares for his first official pardon.

Aside from markedly improving the country’s economy and job market, President Trump will continue making America great again by seeing to it that justice is properly served. Reports are now surfacing that Trump may be ready to hand out his first official pardon since taking office in January. This move has democrats throughout the country on the verge of mental collapse and republicans cheering for justice.

Joe Arpaio was a seasoned sheriff that ended up in jail after a liberal judge deemed his behavior as racial profiling against the Latino population. Although Arpaio was only sentenced to six months in Jail, his health and life span could be shortened by the stress and danger of being in an environment full of criminals whom he arrested while being Sheriff on top of being an 85 year-old man.

Via IJR:

President Donald Trump is reported to be “seriously considering” pardoning former Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio, who was recently found guilty of criminal contempt after refusing to follow a judge’s order to stop profiling suspected illegal immigrant drivers.

Trump apparently told Fox News’s Greg Jarrett that the pardon could happen in a matter of days:

“I am seriously considering a pardon for Sheriff Arpaio. […] He has done a lot in the fight against illegal immigration. He’s a great American patriot, and I hate to see what has happened to him.”

Trump even went as far as to retweet the Fox News report which signifies that he means business.

Via CNN:

President Donald Trump on Tuesday retweeted a Fox News story saying he was “seriously considering” pardoning former Arizona sheriff Joe Arpaio, a controversial figure who was recently convicted of criminal contempt by a federal judge.

The President retweeted a post by “Fox & Friends” which referenced the network’s report about the potential pardon on Sunday.

Meanwhile, liberals have absolutely no problem with President Obama pardoning  a known American traitor who he believed had ‘suffered a great deal’ and was remorseful for what he had done. Well that ‘he’ is actually a she now and in reality the ‘stressful’ jail sentence can almost be entirely attributed to the mental instability of being transgender.



Liberals may be furious about Arpaio being pardoned but see nothing wrong with the pardon of Chelsea Manning. Clearly the Democratic Party has some pretty serious delusional tendencies that ultimately place America in danger.

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