“During the dignified transfer of 13 U.S. service members killed in Afghanistan, Joe Biden checked his watch AT LEAST 3 TIMES.” RNC Research tweeted.

How can someone more focus on checking his watch in a middle of a dignified transfer of 13 U.S. service members killed in Afghanistan? I mean, Biden is the reason all that happened and he’s not focus at all.

As we speak, Joe Biden’s approval rating is cratering. One poll even shows that the majority of Americans want Joe Biden to resign.

And 20 percent of Biden voters regret their vote, according to another new Zogby poll.

Americans lose faith in anything Joe Biden has to offer. I mean, this isn’t about some random and fixable scandal, it’s about Joe’s persona, his competence, and his heart.

This is a political nightmare for Joe Biden…

We can all see that Joe Biden is in deep and dangerous cognitive decline, even though our mainstream media ignores it. We see that he’s heartless and inept, we see that he’s an arrogant establishment stooge who’s still stuck in 90s politics, treating Americans like low-inf0 dullards. We see it all, and we don’t like one bit of it.

And one of the things that stands out most glaringly to Americans is how terribly Joe Biden behaved during the Dignified Transfer of the 13 brave heroes who we lost in Afghanistan thanks to his ineptitude.

Not only did Joe Biden offend and insult the Gold Star families during the meeting by talking non-stop about Beau, and rolling his eyes, according to witnesses, but while he was at the actual Dignified Transfer, he checked his watch…we’ve all seen the photo and video of the disgusting moment.

But now, it appears there’s more to it…

While some Gold Star family members claim Joe checked his watch 13 times, RNC Research posted photos of Joe Biden checking his watch three different times during the Dignified Transfer.




Americans will never get behind a man like this.

He caused all this death and destruction and then treated families like garbage and tried to take a “victory lap” on the backs of their dead relatives.

Joe Biden can’t be bothered to stand there like a decent human being and pay his respects to the men he was responsible for killing?

Well, Americans can’t be bothered showing Joe any respect either.

Sources: WayneDupree

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