Julian Assange Just Gave Trump Something That Will Bring The Dems Down
Julian Assange says that he can prove that the Democratic party is lying about the Russia/Trump collusion.
Representative Dana Rohrabacher met with Julian Assange and they spoke for three hours. Julian gave Rohrabacher the proof he needs to bring down the democratic party and prove that the Russia conspiracy is just that, a bunch of lies. He plans on delivering this proof to Donald Trump when he gets back to the US along with a request from Wikileaks to be given their own seat inside the White House Pressroom.
Liberty Writers| “Our three-hour meeting covered a wide array of issues, including the WikiLeaks exposure of the [Democratic National Committee] emails during last year’s presidential election,” Rohrabacher said, “Julian emphatically stated that the Russians were not involved in the hacking or disclosure of those emails.”
“Julian also indicated that he is open to further discussions regarding specific information about the DNC email incident that is currently unknown to the public,” he added…
“Julian passionately argued the case that WikiLeaks was vital to informing the public about controversial though necessary issues. He hoped that WikiLeaks — an award-winning journalistic operation — might be granted a seat in the White House press corps. As a former newsman myself I can’t see a reason why they shouldn’t be granted news status for official press conferences,” he said.
Great things are coming! What’s hidden in the dark always comes to light and it’s about time that the dirty deeds of the democratic party come to the light. The witch hunt on President Trump needs to end already. If this were an investigation in the real world it would have closed long ago for lack of evidence.
Wikileaks is the type of journalism that America desperately needs. The truth! Julian Assange exposes the truth no matter what the outcome. I’m hoping that this proof will end the Russia conspiracy and that Wikileaks will gain a seat in the White House Press room. What do you think? Please share below!