Generally, when you are preparing an important document to be published, you will look through it a time or two to make sure that everything in there is correct.
Now, when you go to publish something, there can be a typo here and there that you tricked yourself into thinking was a correct spelling of a word, but you can’t convince yourself that an incorrect fact was correct.
That’s what the Democrats are doing is that they are trying to convince people that incorrect information is correct.
There is serious evidence suggesting that mass voter fraud overtook the 2020 election, but the media, Big Tech and Democrats have all wanted to ignore this as much as possible. However, the Senate has had enough and has called for an election federal hearing.
Senate Joins with Trump
President Donald Trump, his team, top Republicans and over 70 million American people are fighting back. Many top Republican leaders from across the country are demanding that election integrity happen.
From The Epoch Times:
The Senate will hold a hearing next week on irregularities that took place during the 2020 presidential election…
But the fact remains that a large percentage of the American public does not view the 2020 election result as legitimate because of apparent irregularities that have not been fully examined. That is not a sustainable state of affairs for our country,” Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, said in a statement.
Voter Fraud At Every Turn
The US Senate is joining Republicans in the House to combine efforts to show “irregularities” in the 2020 election. On Election Night, things started to turn extra shady.
Some states stopped counting votes, others were caught pushing ballot watchers out and the list goes on and on.
Trump’s legal team and independent lawyers have recovered hundreds of credible affidavits from election officials, postal workers and many others who say voter fraud happens first hand.