3 Racist Black Nurses Find Out Patient Is WWII Vet, Have Horrific Surprise For Him – Now He’s Dead

World War II vet is dead after 3 black nurses refused to do their job simply because he was a white man.

James Dempsey

James Dempsey was a patient in his late eighties who begun experiencing severe breathing problems, frantically Dempsey hit the emergency call button and spoke into the intercom proclaiming desperately that he was in need of assistance. Rather then respond immediately which is the responsibility of a nurse, three black nurses ignored Dempsey’s plea for a shocking ten minutes when they were less than ten seconds away. Dempsey was no longer responsive when they bothered to show up and to make this situation even more tragic they didn’t try to properly revive him but instead stop for over him laughing. Race Relations are completely out of control and this horrific situation proves that white people are hardly the only racist criminals living in America.


Eighty-nine-year-old highly-decorated WW II veteran James Dempsey served his country honorably, and probably never fathomed that the worst experience of his life would come at the very end of his years at the hands of a nasty staff of callous nurses. After suddenly being unable to breathe, he pushed the call button in his room six times, frantically telling staff over the intercom that he needed immediate help.

“Help me! help me!” the man’s feeble voice can be heard in the video below as he gasps for air and waits for the staff to come assist him. Dempsey had pushed the call light in his room at 4:34am but it would take a startling 10 minutes for the nurses to get off their butts and make their way down the hall to tend to his life-threatening emergency. The nurse supervisor, Wanda Nuckles, finally made her way to Dempsey’s room after being notified by another nurse after the man was unresponsive.

Watch Here:

Wanda Nuckles deserves the same neglect when she is on her death bed begging for help. The actions of these women are horrendous and karma is a real b****.