There are some people that wile they think that they are doing their side a big favor, they are doing the other side an even bigger favor. Nancy Pelosi is one of those people.
She’s sort of like the little kid that just wants to help dad clean the garage and wants to try really hard, but on account of their enthusiasm is totally unfocused and spends the whole day putting everything in the wrong places.
Honestly, the only thing that the GOP needs to do is run against Nancy Pelosi and they could regain command of the house in 2018.
Pelosi is full of horrible ideas and is tipping over with something even worse than we expected. Now, with the peculiar leftist ideal of “do as I say not as I do’ liberal arrogance, she is starting to get on everyones last nerve.
Not only is she full of a bunch of nonsense, she is no companion of the needy and poor in America. And if you didn’t already know… Nancy Pelosi is the 5th wealthiest member of Congress and has a personal fortune estimated by to be around $43,412,516?
However, these were the numbers in 2016, and I am sure she is worth even more today.
Via subjectpolitics: Nancy Pelosi counts a Napa Valley vineyard, the ultimate toy of the ultra-wealthy, among her family’s many lucrative investments. She is loaded and while that does not disqualify her from speaking for the average American, what she said today at a press conference certainly does.
Now and forever and spells doom for the Democrats chances of unseating the defender of the middle-class, President Trump.
Nancy was bashing the GOP’s tax cut package and did not let reality intrude on her inner narrative.
Remember, many companies have come forward and announced bonuses and raises for their employees and most if not all directly attribute their newfound generosity to the GOP’s tax plan.
On top of that good news came great news today as the U.S. Labor Department announced that the number of people on unemployment insurance fell to the lowest level in 44 years.
During the last week of 2017, 1.87 million people received unemployment benefits, the lowest total since Dec. 1973 according to the Department of Labor report.
This is all good news or should be but Pelosi is not happy, and when an intrepid reporter asked her royal highness a simple question:
“A number of companies are attributing the tax bill for being able to give higher wages to their employees as well as being able to give a number of bonuses to their employees. How do you respond to that?”
Nancy, as usual, put her foot right into her mouth in what will be described as her ‘let em eat cake’ moment:
“In terms of the bonus that corporate America received versus the crumbs that they are giving workers to kind of put the schmooze on is so pathetic. It’s so pathetic,” Pelosi said.