One Look At Pelosi’s House PROVES How Big A Hypocrite She Is!

Politicians are really funny in the way that they claim to be champions of the poor and end up living in houses that are nicer than anything the good portion of America will hope to live in.

Liberal politicians are really funny like that, they claim to be such great and wonderful people as it stands with people under the poverty line but probably wouldn’t give a homeless man a sandwich if he was dying on their doorstep.

Like all of the top Democratic windbags, Nancy Pelosi badmouths President Trump for being rich and for allegedly only working for the benefit of the rich.

Hypocritically, Pelosi then goes home and lives a quality of life most Americans can only dream of… thanks to the American taxpayer!

Someone recently snapped a shot of Pelosi’s impressive San Francisco mansion to drive this point home.

One glaring detail about this ritzy residence is that its SURROUNDED BY A WALL!

You know why Pelosi has a wall around her home? For the obvious reason of keeping undesirable folks out of her yard and home. Kind of like the reason Trump wants to build a wall on the Mexican border.

But, no, that would be RACIST! At least according to Pelosi’s thinking.

Some liberals responded to the photo of Pelosi’s luxurious digs by noting that President Trump has MANY more and far larger residences.

But there’s one HUGE problem with that comparison.

Up until two years ago, Trump was a successful businessman, and had NEVER been a politician. All his wealth and the houses it has bought came from the success of his businesses.

Pelosi, by comparison, has been a lifelong politician. That means the money she uses to house herself so lavishly came from YOU – the American taxpayer.

Sure, Pelosi’s husband is today a successful businessman and investor, but you don’t think her decades of top-tier government salaries helped him get there?

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