Popular Petition Gains Traction: Missy Elliott To Replace Civil War Statue
Insanity continues in the wake of Charlottesville as a new petition to have the confederate statue replaced with a figure of Rapper Missy Elliott gains ground.
Charlottesville, Virginia was witness to what is now being called a white Supremacy rally that has sparked a race war throughout the country. In response to the offensive Confederate Monument that ignited the outbreak in Charlottesville, citizens across the country are gathering in support of their removal and in some cases acting illegally to remove them without permission.
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Meanwhile the Charlottesville Monument is still standing and it’s future is uncertain. What is certain is that the Mayor of Charlottesville supports its removal as well as other members living nearby.
Nathan Collin for instance decided to make a petition regarding what should take the place of the Confederate statue if removed. Apparently as a former resident, famous Rapper Missy Elliott, deserves a monument in her honor and what better place? Seriously?
Charlottesville, Virginia, is where the statue controversy sparked into something much bigger, though. It’s unclear at this time what fate the Robert E. Lee statue might have. However, Mike Signer, the mayor of Charlottesville, does want the statue to come down.
And many protesters want to replace the statues with something else. In fact, a Virginia man, Nathan Coflin, launched a petition to replace the Confederate monument in Portsmouth with a statue of Missy Elliott.
According to WKTR, to put an end to all the fuss, Coflin has proposed that erecting a monument celebrating the Virginia native and music icon will soothe the conflict. So, he turned to Change.org where he penned a petition in which he urges Portsmouth Mayor John Rowe to replace the Confederate memorial in Olde Towne, near the intersection of Court and High Street with the likeness of the Grammy Award-winning rapper.
“Getting this statue put up will be a lot of work and you may ask yourself is it worth it?” Coflin writes. “I say yes and ask you to join me in letting us work it. Together we can put White supremacy down, flip it and reverse it.”
At press time, the petition had reached 100 of its 200 supporters needed to reach its goal, according to local news reports. However, as of Friday night, he had surpassed his goal, procuring just under 300 signatures. Coflin plans to present the petition to Mayor Rowe, Vice Mayor Paige Cherry and various other City Council members.