It used to be that back in the day that if you saw someone doing something that didn’t hurt anyone that you disagreed with that you would just let certain things slide.
Now, it seems that there are so many things that people ust won’t let slide that everyone is coming unglued at the slightest possible things.
It also used to be that you could go to school and learn things while not being interjected with a teacher’s political beliefs.
I had a teacher for a government class one year during a presidential election where despite all of this nobody ever figured out who he was voting for.
Teachers have historically been known for their selfless dedication to educating generations of children in American Civics, writing, reading, and arithmetic.
Each day they would, until 1962, lead the children in prayer and until recently would universally lead their students in the pledge of allegiance. Most schools still do require the pledge with some SJW activists school abandoning the practice.
Far-left activists took over school administrative rolls leading to the lowering of test standards, minimizing of individuals who excelled, and the transformation from individual achievement to the collective, aka “village”.
As millions of illegal alien children were brought into the USA, schools were forced to increase their hiring of bilingual teachers, taking away resources for the majority of the student population. On top of this, a strange infatuation developed for the students by some of the younger teachers resulting in deplorable sexual activity shocking our communities.
This brings us to a growing number of social justice warriors who are using their power over their students to promote BLM, ANTIFA, and Anti-American sentiments.
This past weekend we saw an example of far things have drifted from the 60’s teacher.
A woman claiming to be a teacher stopped her car and had a complete meltdown at anti-lockdown protesters in Bend, Oregon, on Sunday.
The belligerent woman shouted “b-tch kill yourself” as she berated the protesters from her vehicle.
#Bend #Oregon
A woman confronts and shouts at a group of anti-lockdown demonstrators from her vehicle in Bend, OR, earlier today.— Shane B. Murphy (@shanermurph) December 7, 2020
So what attributes does she bring to her classroom? Anger, no control, hateful and violent. Wow, would hate to have my children anywhere near her.