Leaked Report Reveals The Taliban Is Hunting For Americans!

It turns out that what the Biden administration was telling as “safe passage” was all false and not true at all. This is according to Sasha Ingber of national security and a former NPR reporter.

Ingber source said that Taliban forces repeatedly beating Americans even they have their passports with them.

This is not exactly what the Biden administration has told us, in fact, it contradicts the words that they spread about the safety of the Americans trapped in Afghanistan. During an interview with ABC News, Joe Biden said that Taliban forces were helping Americans to return home safely and he even praised the said group.

“Biden grateful to the Taliban: “I’m not sure I would’ve predicted, George, nor would you or anyone else, that when we decided to leave, that they’d provide safe passage for Americans to get out.”

What Ingber’s source provided is a different story from what Biden is trying to spread.

Here’s what she said: “A source tells me, “Situation [in Afghanistan] is rapidly deteriorating… We’ve had Americans get beaten throughout the night.” One of them, an American woman, was beaten “twice” even though she was carrying a U.S. passport.

“Yesterday @PentagonPresSec said Americans are not being impeded as they travel to the Kabul airport, no Americans harmed. The Taliban agreed to let them evacuate. What I am hearing suggests otherwise. Americans have been injured and stopped from boarding planes.”

Her reporting is backed up by a CNBC report that states the Taliban – a bloodthirsty terror group – is “breaking” their “promises.”
Gee, really? Ya don’t say…

Now the question is, are the Taliban physically beating Americans with the weapons that US taxpayers paid for?

Look how much of our equipment and weapons Biden left unsecured and that ended up in the hands of our enemies…this is impeachable.
Why does this senile old buffoon still have a job?

And this was the scene yesterday at the Kabul airport.
Imagine trying to mauver your way through slews of Taliban “checkpoints” just to wind up in a hail of gunfire?

And this could have been prevented since new memos show Biden was warned of this back in July.

According to ABC News, the Taliban are beating Americans with “fanbelts” from cars.

My point is that every word that this administration has been telling was unbelievable.

It all sounds like lies and propaganda.

This is the exact reason why a lot of Americans are still hesitating to receive the vaccine. But can you blame them?

Sources: Wayne Dupree, NBC News