Republican Senators DEMAND Rex Tillerson Investigate George Soros Groups

Republican Senators Want Rex Tillerson To Investigate George Soros Groups

The pressure is on, Rex Tillerson is being asked to investigate George Soros’ groups to see if American Tax dollars are funding the globalist groups overseas.

Foreign officials have come forward with some very disturbing information; There has been activity from the US meddling in other countries elections. The funding for these activists and left wing extremists could very well be coming out of your pockets from your tax dollars.

George Soros GroupsAmerican Lookout| A letter sent Tuesday asked for a probe into how U.S. funds are being used by agencies such as the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) to back left-wing political groups in other countries.

Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, one of the co-signers, even said foreign officials and political leaders have come to him with “reports of U.S. activity in their respective countries.”

He said in a statement: “This includes reports of diplomats playing political favorites, USAID funds supporting extreme and sometimes violent political activists, and the US Government working to marginalize the moderates and conservatives in leadership roles. … This sort of political favoritism from our missions around the world is unacceptable.”

American’s for Tax Reform| The organization in question is the Foundation Open Society Macedonia (FOSM), an offshoot of George Soros’s Open Society Foundation. In Macedonia, the VMRO-DPMNE party (one of Macedonia’s two major political parties), has accused FOSM of inciting violent protests in which 50 police officers were injured.

Since 2012, USAID has awarded multiple grants totaling $5 million to FOSM, and has granted aid to as many as 61 FOSM affiliates. In 2015, USAID named FOSM as one of their top partners in the region, and recently earmarked $9.5 million to be spent by FOSM and its partner organizations.

It’s about time George Soros gets investigated. This man has been banned from many other countries already, it’s time that the United States falls in line and gets rid of this globalist, open borders, billionair. Money is power so I can only imagine how much of the media, leftist non-profits, BLM and other activists that Soros has in his pocket.

He is SATAN’S right hand man, so corrupt and evil… All George Soros groups being funded by our tax dollars need to be shut down!