People that work in Hollywood have their priorities mixed up really bad. Instead of worrying about getting their own house in order with this litany of harassment claims that have been coming out the past several months they still insist upon going after Donald Trump and making threats that amount to a five year old’s tantrum
It’s exactly what the title of this article sounds like, and we couldn’t make this crap up if we tried. The same people who told Republicans to “stop whining” when Obama was in office prove themselves to be the absolute whiniest group of people to walk the earth. Many of Hollywood’s elite are threatening to go on strike in protest of our President.
This rumor began circulating as soon as Trump was elected President of the United States, but these idiots continue to push the matter.
Our message to them: DO IT. We don’t need jerks like you in Hollywood anyway.
The fact that people like Rosie O’Donnell think that the movie and television industry wouldn’t survive without them proves just how ignorant they really are.
Watch one news network’s story on the matter:
Mike Opelka called out the rich actors and directors who were threatening the strike, warning them of the damage this strike would cause to everyone else in the industry. He mentioned the lower paid support staff who do all of the behind the scenes work.
It’s about time that these jerkoffs realize that they aren’t the only people in this world. The fact remains that Donald Trump is our President, whether they like it or not, and that isn’t about to change.
Let’s hope that for the sake of everyone else in Hollywood these ignorant celebrities suck it up and deal with the fact that their candidate didn’t win. Maybe if they took their heads out of their asses long enough to even listen to Trump’s goals for his time in office they would feel differently.