Huckabee Tears Into Nancy Pelosi After Her Statement About Dr. Ben Carson

Nancy Pelosi isn’t a very well liked public figure…and after he statement about Dr. Ben Carson, she is even more disliked. Watch as Mike Huckabee tears into her. Bravo!

VIA| Dingbat Pelosi just can’t help herself. The Democrats decision to choose her as their House Minority Leader again was truly a blessing to the Republican Party. Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer sounded off today about their “concerns” over the nomination of brilliant, world-renowned former Presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson for Trump’s HUD Secretary. Schumer opined, “Someone who is as anti-government as him is a strange fit for Housing Secretary, to say the least.” Because apparently a HUD Secretary needs to be an advocated of excessive government spending?

Nancy Pelosi “one-upped” Schumer with an even more ignorant and unjustified criticism, when she suggested Dr. Ben Carson was “a disturbingly unqualified choice”.

Carson spent part of his childhood living in public housing in Detroit, part of a rags-to-riches story that conservatives and other admirers tout.

Mike Huckabee had the best response as he excoriates Nancy Pelosi for her ignorant comment here:

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