He Tried To Rob An Old Man In The Woods, And He Made Him Pay….

The world can be a scary, unpredictable place. Unfortunately, it’s filled with people who are given over to acts of violence, sometimes in a bid to procure something that’s not theirs, other times simply because they find the pain and misery of others entertaining.

A man reportedly made the fatal mistake of bringing a toy gun to a real robbery, where police said he was then shot and killed by his victim, who was carrying a real firearm.

Tyler Williams Attempts To Rob 67-Year-Old Man, Pays Bitter Price
Police at the scene of the incident (Photo Credit: Screen Capture/NBC 10)

The masked suspect, who was reportedly in his late teens or early twenties, approached a 67-year-old man while he was walking in Cobbs Creek Park in Upper Darby, Pennsylvania, and aimed a pellet gun in his face, reports the New York Daily News. He reportedly had an accomplice who was carrying a stick, reports NBC 10.

Watch it here: CBS Philly/Youtube

The suspect Tyler Williams had approached his target in broad daylight, brandishing what would later transpire to be a pellet gun and pointing it directly at the man’s face. A brief altercation played out thereafter, culminating in the would-be victim grabbing Williams’ pellet gun and pulling out his own, real .38 caliber handgun.

Fuelled by fear, the man shot Williams in the head before fleeing the woods and calling the police. They soon arrived and determined that Williams’ gun had been a fake, though it was so realistic that, according to Upper Darby Police Superintendent Michael Chitwood, even authorities believed it to be genuine until a close inspection revealed the truth.

The suspect’s accomplice, meanwhile, reportedly fled the scene and has not yet been found.

Police are not reportedly charging the victim with a crime because they say he believed the toy gun was real and was acting in self-defense.

Upper Darby Police Superintendent Michael Chitwood said the victim “did a great job defending himself.”

Watch it here: CBS Philly/Youtube

Sources: Taphaps, 6abc, Nbcphiladelphia