So, we’ve all been to the grocery store and seen customers, mostly those people that paid for their groceries with Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) food stamp cards. They feast like royalty! But that’s the situation we’re in because Obama and leftists want it that way.
Well, if they are legal citizens and are just hitting hard times, I mean, it happens to almost everyone. It doesn’t matter at all, but for people who whip out their freaking card and then jump into a luxury vehicle, is another story.
It tends us to get a little pissed off…and so does Vincent Janosko, a Salt Lake City resident who shared a photo of a woman loading all of her free food into her car.
The woman, who was using an EBT card, was first noticed by Janosko, when he was visiting a Walmart store, and as he wanted to confirm his suspicions, he then followed the woman into the parking lot. His intuition came true! The woman really using an EBT card! After then, the man posted it on social media to expose the truth after snapping a photo.

Along with the image of the woman he had just seen using welfare to pay for her groceries, incent posted on Facebook. He wrote:
“She didn’t speak English , used EBT card , then climbed into that. I work 7 days a week , owe out the ass and put a steady oil supply into my 1991 ford. I don’t get a EBT card.
Why?? It’s sad. We work all our lives n someone crosses the border n starts off better than my 50 year struggle.”
And it really indeed appeared that the unnamed welfare recipient was jumping with her free food into a pricey, luxury-grade SUV.
Vincent wrote, explaining why the sight left him fuming, he said, “I work 7 days a week, owe out the @ss, and put a steady oil supply into my 1991 Ford. I don’t get [an] EBT card.”
He then asked rhetorically, “Why? It’s sad. We work all our lives [and] someone crosses the border [and] starts off better than my 50-year struggle.”

According to data from the Department of Agriculture, the number of Americans receiving food stamps has increased by 10.7 million during President Barack Obama’s tenure.
This increase has occurred as a result of the Obama administration’s decision to “waive the work requirement for food stamp benefits — which President Clinton established in 1996.”
Because signing up for EBT benefits only requires being unemployed, it has become a magnet for lazy Americans — and, in some cases, illegal immigrants — who want to take advantage of the hard work of taxpayers like Vincent Janosko.
Vincent decided to edit the post, adding a fact that points out the naysayers’ glaring hypocrisy when Critics immediately found Vincent’s post offensive and accused him of “racism.”
He added to the photo’s caption that read, “This post does not say what language she spoke, everyone ‘assumes’ Spanish. If the shoe fits, wear it.” But over his remarks, it did little to quell that some felt outraged.

And unfortunately, as the debate in the comments raged on and the image went viral, the topic of immigration became the focus, and hate mail poured in, with some even wishing for the man’s death. As many people pointed out that the vehicle could have been borrowed, while others pointed out that incidents like the one depicted in Vincent’s post happen all the time.
Vincent responded to the situation on Facebook once more and again posted a picture of a woman driving an SUV in a parking lot.
“1000 illegals cross the border a day. Some live off your tax dollars and drive better cars. And eat better, have great healthcare. It’s a slap in the face to those doing it legally.”
In yet another post, Vincent addressed the criticism his earlier comments had received.
“I was stating a point, not trying to start a race war. My mother wasn’t born here and went thru hell trying to become a citizen. I’ll never forget the day she called crying [and] said she finally got her social security started,”
“It’s a different world now. I go to Mexico and on the border, the Mexicans here legally, hate illegals with a passion.”
Trying to explain why he has issues with illegal immigration, Vincent continued,
“A relative of mine is 48 years old and has been here since age 5, and is still going thru red tape to become a citizen.”
“It’s just not fair, any race or nationality here illegally shouldn’t be allowed to jump in front of someone doing it legally. Then, to top it off, those trying to become legal have to foot the bill for the illegals also,” he added.
“So keep your boots on, the shits gonna get deeper.”
“Oh and don’t ever think a threat goes easy on me,” Vincent wrote, deciding to respond to the numerous threats he had gotten for expressing his opinion. “I’ve been down that road, here and overseas, and this hound can still hunt. So peace to all and knock lightly on my front door.”
Sources: Taphaps, Waybackmachine,