8 Facts That The Media Doesn’t Want You To Know About The Russian Hacks

First, it was racism that made us the bad guys. Then they tried to create the bizarre ban on ‘fake news’ to discredit us. Now, it looks like the liberal media has settled on the narrative that it was the Russians who indeed hacked the election.

Well, the only problem with their narrative is there are serious flaws that need to be addressed. Allow me:

VIA| For weeks now, the media have been screaming about Russian hacking nonstop. The only problem is that there are serious flaws in their narrative that no one seems to be talking about.

Sheryl Attkisson put together eight facts on the Russian hacking that the media have left out, and we have compiled them for you here.

1) The election itself wasn’t actually hacked.

The liberal media have constantly proclaimed that “the election was hacked,” but there is no proof that the Russians got into voting machines anywhere. The U.S. government has said that the Russians were responsible for the leaked emails from the DNC and from Democrat nominee Hillary Clinton’s camp, but the media have decided to interpret that as the same thing as hacking the election.

2) No government entity has actually said that the emails that were released by the hacking were fake. So while the hacking is troubling, so is the fact that the DNC and the Clinton campaign had so much to hide from the American people.

3) U.S. officials have named the hacking campaign embarked upon by the Russians “Grizzly Steppe.” Fortune noted that a Homeland Security/FBI report released on “Grizzly Steppe” added no new worthwhile information about the hacking.

4) Proving that the Russians “helped Trump win” is virtually impossible to do. Officials would have to prove that the Clinton emails that were released overwhelmingly changed people’s minds on whom they would vote for — a task that is impossible.

5) WikiLeaks has continued to insist that Russia wasn’t their source for the leaked documents. Of course WikiLeaks would do anything to protect its sources, so it is entirely possible they are lying.

It is also possible the Russians gave the emails to a different entity who then gave it to WikiLeaks. In cyberspace, these things are always hard to keep track of.

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