‘Hell of a Run’: Drudge, Conservative Media React to Steve Bannon Exit
This is clearly not the last departure we are going to face head on in the White House.
Bannon leaving the WH may be a slight loss, but it clearly is nothing new…
Trump is working hard to keep his train on the tracks and in full steam ahead.
Just like he clearly told General Kelly…
Nobody will control the President of the United States but the President Himself!
According to insiderfoxnews:
President Donald Trump’s chief strategist Steve Bannon is out at the White House, Fox News’ John Roberts has confirmed.
Trump has reportedly told senior aides that he has decided to dismiss Bannon, who has clashed for months with other senior West Wing advisers and members of the president’s family.
Roberts reported that Trump came to the decision after a review conducted by new chief of staff John Kelly.
“It’s also likely too that this is just the first shoe to drop,” Roberts said. “It’s no secret that there have been a number of rivalries in the White House.”
A White House aide told Fox News the departure was a long time coming, and that Bannon actually submitted his resignation in writing two weeks ago.
See some of the social media reaction below.
Bannon had one hell of a run…
— MATT DRUDGE (@DRUDGE) August 18, 2017
Very sorry to see my friend Steve Bannon go. His political brain will be hard to replace.
— Nigel Farage (@Nigel_Farage) August 18, 2017
The Swamp Strikes Back – Steve Bannon Out!
— Mark Dice (@MarkDice) August 18, 2017
Bannon is out. EXCELLENT choice by POTUS. I applaud the President.
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) August 18, 2017
It will be fun watching as Breitbart now turns viciously on Trump to build up Bannon. Those #NeverTrump cucks. https://t.co/SBAlxnr1l0
— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) August 18, 2017
This explains the entire week. Bannon was planning. The war is coming. https://t.co/SBAlxnr1l0
— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) August 18, 2017
Bye-bye Bannon. We hardly knew ye? No, we knew ye too well.
— Larry Sabato (@LarrySabato) August 18, 2017
Bannon knows things, lots of things. If you thought “leaks” were a problem, just wait.
— Katie Pavlich (@KatiePavlich) August 18, 2017
Who will media decide @realDonaldTrump has to fire next?
— Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) August 18, 2017
If @realDonaldTrump didn’t like the media giving Steve Bannon all credit, instead of firing him, he should’ve hired 10 more like him.
— Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) August 18, 2017
STEVE BANNON OUT! Media is the most powerful branch of government.
— Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) August 18, 2017
— Frank Luntz (@FrankLuntz) August 18, 2017
what hard-core trumpkins need to face up to today: the only guy who REALLY believes in Trump’s campaign BS (wall, trade etc) is leaving
— Charles Gasparino (@CGasparino) August 18, 2017
By cutting Steve Bannon, Trump is cutting the biggest ties he has to his own base. Removing Bannon is a mistake…
— Kristin Tate (@KristinBTate) August 18, 2017
— Allahpundit (@allahpundit) August 18, 2017
Good point. For everyone upset about this, Bannon will likely have much more impact from outside. So libs, #becarefulwhatyouwishfor https://t.co/XGuhsEGTDZ
— Tammy Bruce (@HeyTammyBruce) August 18, 2017
Understandable some Trump supporter’s concerned w Bannon’s departure. Goal has always been Trump’s *agenda,* must have action & success.
— Tammy Bruce (@HeyTammyBruce) August 18, 2017