People appreciate when you are honest, and if you get caught up and later found out to be incorrect, to admit that you were wrong.
I was in the military for many years, and one thing that I learned very quickly is that if you admit that you are wrong instead of trying to cover it up people will respect you more.
Especially when you are supposed to be in charge of something where things running smoothly is of utmost importance.
Debate moderators are definitely allowed to have their own political feelings but like a boxing referee, staying impartial during a fight you don’t expect them to do things in favor of a participant so close to the contest.
C-SPAN suspended its political editor Steve Scully indefinitely Thursday after he admitted to lying about his Twitter feed being hacked when he was confronted about a questionable exchange with former Trump aide Anthony Scaramucci.
The news came on the day of what was supposed to be a career highlight for the 30-year C-SPAN veteran.
Scully was to moderate the second debate between President Donald Trump and Democrat Joe Biden, which was canceled after Trump would not agree to the virtual format sought by Biden and the Commission on Presidential Debates in the wake of the president’s COVID-19 diagnosis.
A week ago, after Trump had criticized Scully as a “never Trumper” — in 2016, Scully tweeted, “No, Not Trump, Not Ever” in sharing a New York Times article — the C-SPAN host posted a tweet that apparently was intended to be a private message to Scaramucci.
“@Scaramucci should I respond to Trump,” Scully said.
Scaramucci, a former Trump communications director who is now a fierce critic of the president, advised Scully to ignore Trump.
Scully said that when he saw his tweet had created a controversy, “I falsely claimed that my Twitter account had been hacked.”
He said he had been frustrated by Trump’s comments and several weeks of criticism on social media and conservative news outlets about his role as moderator, which he claimed included attacks directed at his family.
Many viewed Scully, who formerly worked for Biden and made the 2016 statement against Trump, as too biased to moderate their debate.