CNN’s April Ryan Has A Plan To Stop Trump And It’s As Evil As You Can Imagine…

Back in the day you would have two classes of people that would be on television that would discuss politics: your reporters and political commentators.

Political commentators would sit and talk about how when the President went golfing that day that he should have used a nine iron when he used a pitching wedge and that caused him to hit a double bogey instead of shooting for par and would talk about how badly he played.

A reporter would say that the President played golf today and shot a 75. See what I am getting at here?

Reporters are confusing their role, and they are doing it at the expense of the American people.

CNN political analyst and American Urban Radio Network’s White House correspondent April Ryan has some serious issues.

She’s basically an anti-Trump activist masquerading as a reporter. Her latest antics truly confirm this, as she made two offensive actions aimed at the president.

As President Donald Trump was completing an MLK Day recognition ceremony, having signed an official proclamation and then shaking the hands of the attendees, Ryan began shouting, “Are you racist?”

An attendee looks at her likes she’s deluded and loudly says, “No.” She rudely responds “We’re talking to the president, not you” and continues to yell. She knows he’s not going to respond, she just wants to get in yelling “Are you a racist” on camera.

She thereafter appeared on CNN and spoke of a plan that an unnamed “African-American influencer” had discussed with her as a unique response to Trump’s reported ‘sh**hole’ comments. The president has denied making the comments.

From Free Beacon: On “The Situation Room” Friday, Ryan cited an unnamed “influencer” and “child and product of the sixties” who advocated that anti-Trump activists call various companies and talk about Trump’s comments. She said asking if Trump is racist is not enough, that people need to do something that will have an “economic impact.”

“It’s one thing to ask if he’s a racist and that’s OK, but the next thing is, since this continues to happen there needs to be something to dynamic, some kind of leverage,” Ryan said. “And this influencer said what needs to happen, and it’s kind of—she made me laugh with it, but it’s real. She said what people need to do—black and brown people need to do—is pick up the phone and start calling the airlines and saying, ‘Book me a ticket to S-hole.’”

“And if they say we don’t have that, say, ‘Well, look again,’” she added. “Then the influencer said you also need to call the telephone company, tie up the lines and call the telephone company talking about ‘I need to have my international phone plan include S-hole.’”

Are you serious?

Are you going to tie up the airlines with this childish nonsense? You’re going to end up under arrest for interfering with the conduct of an airline or harassment.

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