MLK’s Niece Just Crushed Every Liberal Who Dared To Call Trump Racist

MLK’s Niece Just Crushed Every Liberal Who Dared To Call Trump Racist

Liberals are determined to bring President Trump down; Since they can’t do it legitimately they create false narratives like, “Trump is a Nazi-racist.”

Dr. Alveda King made an appearance on “Fox & Friends” and she demolished the false narrative that liberals have created. She placed the blame exactly where it belongs… On the mainstream liberal media. Many watch these stations expecting to get the truth, when in reality they’re just getting brainwashed into believing whatever the media tells them to believe.

Alveda King on Trump RacistBorn To Be Right| Trump even condemned racism at the inauguration, but it appears that nobody remembers that. King believes that black Americans think negative of President Trump because of the fake news from the mainstream media.

President Trump praised King at The National Museum of African American History and Culture. He said that she’s a fighter of justice and he also thanked her for saying the nice things about him.
King also reminded viewers that although she personally voted for Donald Trump, she had no quarrel with those who voted for Clinton as long as they didn’t spread violence, which is an example of the position the prominent African Americans on the left should start taking.
Alveda’s uncle, the great Martin Luther King Jr, would be so disappointed to see where race relations are today. The media making President Trump look racist, White supremacy hate met with Black lives matter hate. The level of hate has risen since the great accomplishments of his day. Entitlement and victimization has turned our black community into what it is now.
Yes racism still exists as we have seen in Charlottesville, but hate met with more hate will never solve this problem. Our country needs to get back to the teachings of Martin Luther King Jr and start battling the hate with love, the darkness with light. Then and only then will we start to move forward together. This is what President Trump is trying to make clear. We can’t point at the other side with dirty hands.