BLM Idiots Block Traffic, Until Someone Decided to Run Them Over…

Black Lives Matter protesters are learning pretty quickly about the medium between the First Amendment right to assemble, and the need for an citizens to get where they need to go safely without being harassed…. or, say an ambulance to get trauma patients to the hospital as quickly as humanly possible.

So, when you decide to protest in the middle of a road when there are people who are in life or death’re probably going to get run over…

Like these idiots, who didn’t listen when their parents told them not to play in the street.


That’ll show ’em!

VIA BLM demonstrators have taken to streets, roadways and even interstate highways to protest what they claim is targeting of black men by white police in a series of interactions across the country that turned violent when suspects failed to comply with police orders.

But while the First Amendment guarantees the right of assembly, it leaves road laws up to state statutes that pretty much frown on crowds blocking the streets and highways that people use to get to and from work, appointments and, on occasion, in case of emergency.

Although organized marches have brought traffic to a standstill across the nation, some BLM protesters have been struck while standing or wandering in the middle of roads, as seen in numerous YouTube videos, and the traffic-blocking tactic took a dangerous turn last year when protesters shut down an interstate bridge in Memphis trapping a family with a sick child on the way to a local hospital.

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