JUSTICE: Armed Robber Aims At Kids BUT Didn’t Expect Their Father To Be Armed Too! 

An armed bank robber in Florida didn’t expect to come face to face with a trained soldier while trying to rob 4 bank tellers.armed bank robber

This happened in 2011 but the story never gets old. The armed bank robber used his gun, which turned out to be a fake,  to intimidate the bank tellers. But when he turned it on the soldier and his two sons he was done for! This is great…

American News| Surveillance cameras reveal that the 34-year-old criminal was demanding cash from all four of the bank tellers before pointing what turned out to be a fake fun at a father and his two young sons.

However, the robber did not realize that who he was messing with was Staff Sgt. Eddie Peoples, who happened to be home on leave visiting his ill father-in-law.

When the robber threatened his boys, Ikaika and Kioni, he snapped into hero mode.

“I’ve been through five deployments,” Peoples told FOX News in Tampa Bay. “I’ve fought the Muqtada militia, everybody you can think of, so weapons getting pointed at me, it doesn’t really bother me anymore.”

The Sergeant said that what he did was a piece of cake to what he has been up against in the military.


This is the BEST of what America produces. The left doesn’t understand why disrespecting the national anthem and burning our flag is so disgusting… This is why! People like this man, who risk their own lives to save innocent lives of Americans.

The mainstream media needs to run more stories like this. These are the people who should have a spotlight on them. Not groups like Antifa, BLM, Nazi’s and the white supremacists who are full of hate.  Share this news everywhere! This is what America needs to see more of!

God bless you sir you are a real hero and a true American. Thank you for your service because of you and many others we have freedom! We need more Eddies in the world!