A Cop Overheard A Lady Complaining About Her Tires, Then He Knew He Had To….

It has not been easy for the past year. Much of what we’ve heard and seen has shown humanity at its most heinous. However, there are happenings that genuine kindness is still alive.

In Texas, a 92-year-old woman named Mary Summers took her car to Integrity Tires for a minor repair but ended up with the news that she needed four new tires. Unfortunately, Mary didn’t have the funds for such a costly repair.

The mechanic, Omar Oregueda, told her that all four tires were in such bad shape that it was dangerous for her to drive her car and it was more than the elderly woman could afford. The elderly woman needed a new set of tires, which would cost more than $600, to make her vehicle safe and dependable.

“The tire on her vehicle wasn’t repairable, and the other tires were shot. They were already completely destroyed.” Omar explained.

Mary Summers

Feeling hopeless, Mary asked Omar for the price of only one tire, not knowing that a Texas Department of Public Safety trooper was sitting behind her and overheard their conversation. Worried about Mary’s safety and the safety of others, the trooper decided to take matters into his own hands.

Omar Oregueda breaks the news to Mary Summers as a Texas trooper overhears their conversation.

After speaking with the mechanic, the trooper secretly paid for all four new tires for Mary’s car. When Omar returned to tell Mary the good news, she was surprised and overwhelmed with emotion. Not only did she receive new tires, but Omar also gave her a free oil change. The trooper’s kindness inspired him to do something nice for Mary too.

Mary was completely taken aback, she recalled. “He said, ‘They’re paid for and everything.’ And, I said, ‘Who paid for it?’ And, he said, ‘The trooper that was in here, and, I can hardly talk about it now because I want to cry because he did that. And, he did it, and he left.”

Omar Oregueda was forced to break the news to Mary Summers that she needed four new tires.

Mary had wanted to thank the person who paid for her tires but didn’t get the chance since the trooper paid and left quickly. KHOU news station was able to track him down and reunite him with Mary, where she tearfully expressed her gratitude. The trooper, Drew Stoner, said he didn’t do it for recognition but to ensure Mary’s safety.

Stoner explained, “I’m thinking, ‘What if she goes out on the road, and a tire goes out on her, kind of falls apart on her, and she’s on the side of the road?’”

Mary Summers

Mary was forever grateful for Trooper Stoner’s kindness, saying she was proud to meet someone with such a big heart. Marry told Trooper Stoner, “I’m just so thankful for you, and I’m so proud.” “I’m proud to meet someone that has a heart that big. I just love you to death.”

Texas DPS Trooper Drew Stoner had secretly paid for the tires and left.

The story serves as a reminder that we should all take care of each other and do good deeds, no matter how small they may seem. Trooper Stoner’s act of kindness is an inspiration, and we need more officers like him in our communities.

“For a stranger to take care of another stranger like that … let’s all just take care of each other, that’s what it’s about,” Omar said.

Mary Summers

Watch the video below for more details:

Sources: TapHaps, KIRO 7, KHOU