Ashley Wastakiewicz is 7 years old, a first-grader, and by the way she clings onto her kitty and doggy — we can tell she is an animal lover.

However, Ashley has been dealing with an ongoing struggle for more than a year. An 11-year-old boy has bullied her so persistently that she is afraid to go outside and play.

“She has felt that nobody loves her, nobody cares about her. She feels alone,” her mom said. “She is afraid to come outside to play. She has been cooped up most of the summer because she is afraid to come out and play with the fear of being bullied.”

At one point the boy beat her up so badly that he put her in the hospital. Charges were pursued by the police, and yet, the bullying continued.

Bullied children often suffer deeply. It can take an entire community to heal those wounds. When Zachary Jamison was bullied, it took his parents, teachers, and reforming the school bully to get it to stop.

That’s why Ashley’s mother, Christine, created an anti-bullying Facebook page called “Justice For Ashley” to rally support for her.  Yet, Christine never expected that these were the guests that would show up.

Dozens of members of the local motorcycle club arrived to show their support and use a bit of intimidation (hey, we know they’ve got hearts of gold, but they do look pretty tough!) to send a message to the bully.

See the story of how a few bikers changed the life of one hurting little girl!

One Response

  1. Cecelia Henderson

    I hope that you run a follow-up story on this little girl. Something tells me that the boy is not going to leave her alone. No one has stopped him so far.


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